Meet Chekoh - The driving force behind our Bam Loves Boo x Chekoh Collaboration

Please introduce yourself, who is in your family and where do you live?
I’m Krystal Tupi, the mother and maker behind Chekoh.
I have 3 little boys, Lennox, Duke and Taj with my husband Vainikolo and we live a very crazy/beautiful life near the water on the Redcliffe peninsula, just north of Brisbane, QLD
"Chekoh" is now a house hold name in baby industry can you tell us a little about your brand and team?
Our brand, it still sounds a little surreal… I’ve never been good at this whole business/brand thing. I still feel like it’s just me helping some friends with wearing their babes! Over the past 6 years we’ve gone through so many changes and progressed onto so many different paths (I am the worst ever decision maker)
How Old is Chekoh Baby?
Turning 6 years this August! We began from home after the birth of my second baby boy. Hand making Sling carriers myself on our dining table, we’ve come quite a way and it’s been such a beautiful journey.
What are the key benefits from babywearing with Chekoh?
There is so many amazing benefits for both the baby and wearer when using any brand or style of carrier. The difference with Chekoh is our fabric blends, our stretchy Wrap especially, this was designed by myself to contain spandex for extra stretch, which when we first launched was quite different and not that well welcomed into the babywearing world, a lot of wearers preferred a more rigid fit as that was what they were use too. It took quite a few years and lots of education and wear by both myself and our customers for people to really fall in love with this fit style.
It stretches and moulds to any body size, fits everyone and provides the most soft and supportive carry!
We certainly connected over our love of Bamboo, can you explain how this fabric lends itself perfectly to your baby wraps and swaddles?
Well number one for us was finding a sustainable fabric blend, better for the environment and better for our future and that of our children. Bamboo has some amazing properties and qualities that are perfect for little babies also, great for sensitive skin, moisture wicking for summer time wear and is just a lush, soft to touch feel which can’t be matched.
We have some unique packaging that the swaddles and wraps will be sent in, can you explain this product and idea behind it?
Well we really do try our best to minimise our footprint and implement more ‘earth friendly’ procedures and pieces into our business. One thing we’ve been working on for quite a while is packaging, we’ve been back and forth through a few different designs over the years and it does take a lot of different variables to design eco-friendly and or sustainable packaging solutions. We wanted to have our packing not just be better, but more functional, reusuable and also look good. Our new cotton mesh pouches are actually also a wash bag for your carrier, so these are multipurpose and reusable, made with natural fibres and look a little cute too.
What do you enjoy the most about running your own business?
The time with my family, the flexibility and the ability to take my work with me anywhere and anytime.
I previously worked in the public service sector and was a shift worker for 15years, once I became a mother my motivations changed and my time became even more precious and I really do pinch myself that this is now what I do for ‘work’. I still love Babywearing and will always, and I feel blessed I get to share this everyday.
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